draftees disliked during war. New pants with side pockets and zippers just didn't go. As NEWSWEEK said: "new Navy was again a Navy of slim-hipped youngsters, career men, who wanted to look like sailors who wanted to look 'salty.'" .......Screen actor Keefe Braselle, asked in divorce proceedings if he hadn't once stayed at same hotel with a certain actress, replied in heat he'd once" stayed at the Waldorf in New York, when Gen. MacArthur was there, but I wasn't going around with him." ....... Republican Convention committee gave fast heave-ho to picture of trio of intertwined nude men that was to have decorated cover of program booklet. Picture was of statue by Rodin of Three Shades at the Gate of Hell, originally captioned, "ABANDON HOPE, ALL YE WHO ENTER HERE." Was it the pessimistic slogan, or the intimate and muscular nudity that shocked the GOP most?


Wichita Falls, Tex.: Airman Roy Hunter, 18, tried in death of Jack Spangler, city tax official. Hunter claimed Spangler had embraced him in latter's car, and he'd grown hysterical (having heard “ sex perverts often kill intended victims") and after struggle he accidentally shot older man with gun he just happened to be carrying (feared it might be stolen if left in barracks locker). Taking dead man's car, he falsely represented self as Air Force lieutenant with decoration-studded Korea record, Denied taking ring, other valuables, from dead man, insisting Spangler put ring in glove compartment just before killing. A witness contradicted Hunter, said he'd drunk heavily before fatal ride. Hunter said he went with Spangler only to drink without worry about age. When Defense introduced witness to testify to Spangler's repute as sex deviate, judge overruled objections this was hearsay, tho witness admitted he'd heard this only after slaying; however, pictures were introduced in evidence (identified by Hunter) showing him gazing into face of another man, while they had arms about one another. Doctors testified victim was